Musicians injuries survey - help needed please!
Hi there
I am conducting a study for my Masters dissertation into the injuries that musicians, or anyone who plays an instrument, may sustain through practice or performance of their instrument and the type of treatment they might choose to help.
This study is an anonymous online survey and comprises of a series of questions that should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
This project has received ethical approval from the Anglia Ruskin University Faculty Of Medical Sciences Ethics panel and is open to musicians working in the UK.I would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey and I thank you in advance for helping me to further my research.
Gareth Owen 5th year MOst student at the London School of Osteopathy
Participant information:
Section A: The Research Project
1. Title of project
A study to investigate musician’s injuries and their treatment choices
2. Brief summary of research.
This study will look at the type of injuries sustained by musicians based in the UK and the factors that may influence their decision to choose a particular treatment. It is being conducted because the researcher is a musician himself and has experienced injuries as a result of playing and rehearsing his particular instrument. The researcher is also interested in learning more about whether there is any relationship between certain instruments and certain injuries as well the decisions and factors behind why a participant may have certain treatment preferences.
3. Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to attempt to gain an understanding into musician’s injuries and their preferred choice of treatment for their injuries. This research forms part of a Masters degree in Osteopathy at Anglia Ruskin University and is necessary for completion of the course.
4. Name of your Supervisor
Fiona Hamilton
5. Why have I been asked to participate?
You have been identified as a musician based in the UK and only musicians based in the UK are eligible to participate in this study.
6. How many people will be asked to participate?
As many people as possible that are musicians are invited to participate in this research study questionnaire. The cohort is expected to consist of around 200-500 participants.
7. What are the likely benefits of taking part?
Whilst it could be considered that there may not be any direct benefits as such, the research aims to provide an interesting insight into the injuries a musician may sustain as a result of playing their instrument and their preferred choice of treatment for that injury. You may also obtain an awareness of Osteopathy as a form on manual therapy.
8. Can I refuse to take part?
You can refuse to take part and can decide not to participate up until the point of submission. Completing the survey implies that you are happy for your anonymous data to be used for analysis as part of the study.
9. Has the study got ethical approval?
The study has been given ethical approval from The Faculty of Medical Sciences FREP (Faculty Research Ethics Panel) at Anglia Ruskin University.
10. Source of funding for the research, if applicable.
It is self-funded by the researcher
11. What will happen to the results of the study?
The results of this research study will be collated, written up and submitted as part of a Masters degree in Osteopathy at the Anglia Ruskin University. If sufficient interest is gained from this study, the results may be published in the future in a professional journal or presented as part of a keynote presentation at a conference relating to the subject matter.
12. Contact for further information
For further information on anything related to this research study, please contact: Gareth Owen at
Section B: Your Participation in the Research Project
1. What will I be asked to do?
You are invited to take part in a short internet-based survey that should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. The survey questions focus on the instrument you play, whether you have injured yourself as a result of performing or playing music, and what type of treatment you chose to help with your recovery.
2. Will my participation in the study be kept confidential? You will not be requested in the survey to provide any information that may identify you. Any information you provide is entirely anonymous and used only for the benefit of analysis by the researcher and research supervisor. If you agree to take part in the survey, you may request a copy of the final research study results by email, at no cost by contacting me at
All email addresses remain strictly confidential, not shared with any third party and used purely for the purposes of communication between the researcher and the participant.
3. Are there any possible disadvantages or risks to taking part?
I am not aware of any disadvantages or risks to you should you decide to take part in the survey
4. Whether I can withdraw at any time, and how.
By taking part in and completing the survey, the participants agree to their anonymous data being used in the research study. It must be stated that after the participant has submitted their survey, it cannot be withdrawn. This is due to the anonymous nature of the survey so no identifying information about you will be held. However, you may withdraw from participating in the questionnaire at any point during the survey, up until the point of submission. Participants are also not required to answer any question that they do not wish to.
5. What will happen to any information/data/samples that are collected from you?
Results from the survey and all data will be held securely at Survey Monkey and on a single laptop computer under password protection for a period of up to 12 months. After this period, all data and email addresses will be digitally destroyed and the Survey Monkey account deleted, in accordance with Anglia Ruskin University data handling and destruction guidelines.
6. Summary of research findings.
All participants taking part in the survey may request a copy of the research study results by email to
7. Contact details for complaints.
If you have any complaints about the study, please contact the research supervisor at
Alternatively, if you feel that your complaint has not received the correct attention, you may contact the Anglia Ruskin University’s complaints procedure at the below details.
Email address:
Postal address: Office of the Secretary and Clerk, Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ.