"Slaves Replacement Technology" By Billie Reid
With "Slaves Replacement Technology & The Neutron Bomb", Billie Reid has released a very thought provoking song that has powerful political lyrics for those who are listening carefully. "Slaves" is a great song with a hard driving grunge punk type sound driving it, along with some stellar performances on guitar, drums, keyboards, and bass. Billie and the band really rock this song, which has nice breaks and well-paced music. With professional production pushing all of those variables over the edge, "Slaves" is well worth the listen. Reid has a very nice voice and uses it without constraint to deliver the powerful lyrics and story with first class showmanship. His musical style is both interesting and entertaining, and the mixture of satire and politics is quite enjoyable. It's a futuristic take on things to come, and this is one single that you won't want to miss.