BTB V - deepkiss 720, andru clare, bad orb, petals, usw - SOUTHAMPTON!
bang the bore V
sunday 18th of april, 6pm to 10pm
the hobbit, bevois valley, southampton
a new year of bang the bore will be inaugurated by the following four exhibition matches:
i) word and woman-bird
mysterious new guitar/drums duo that promise to map out intricate melancholies and twisting math complexities. when someone has a guitar with a metal neck, they either have too much money, or they mean business. expect the latter.
ii) either dame, ether dame vs bad orb
either dame, ether dame
infrequent neanderthal trio reduced to their throts and bare hands. objects and plica vocalis. howl and clatter. rumoured links to the dogeeseseegod and littlecreature axis.
bad orb
lone ghost drone in owl choir of murk. decayed and rotted audio babble and bubble. all watched over by the ghost of her conjoined twin. alleged membership of the polly shang kuan band and jettatura.
iii) petals vs seth cooke
leeds based elegant man of noise. he will turn up with a rickety set-up of homemade electronics, tape recorders and a lot of leads. and cross his fingers that it works in some way. his recent split with julia la dense was an invigorating slab of raw no-fi noise. has been known to set speakers on fire. true.
seth cooke
although increasing famous for public exhibitionism, mr cooke is developing into a fine drummer; as well as pursuing cryptic and arcane electronics systems on the side. despite being depicted as a percussive caveman in the popular press, mr cooke is actually a very considered, and considerate, musician.
iv) deepkiss 720 vs andru clare
deepkiss 720
tho hardly a household name, deepkiss 720 is a noiser's noiser. for the last twenty years or so, he has swallowed up sound, torn it up into tiny pieces, and then spat it back thru speakers at high velocity. releasing such items into the public domain on legendary labels such as harbinger sound, tedium house publications, BWCD and beast 666 tapes. not only the tallest man alive, but also the nicest.
andru clare
like deepkiss 720, mr andru clare is a well-kept secret. best known for his steering of the band I'm Being Good, clare is revered in the know for his graphic death and infinite chug labels; releasing incredible works by the small things, bald mermaid, trumans water, thurston moore and derek bailey. mr clare is a rarity - someone who can make you realise the guitar is still a worthwhile instrument - producing hushed chord tangles one second and then the sound of a crippled ape the next. a humbling experience.
as usual, donations for the performers are encouraged, nay, insisted upon.