Indie webzine wants you!
Hey all, what's up?
I run a site called (maybe you've come across us, maybe not). We do much the same as DiS in some senses; reviews/news/interviews, etc, albeit on a smaller scale. We're looking for people who want to write about music (for free; we make £0 so all we can offer by way of perks are advance copies of albums/gig tickets/interview opps). I'm not going to drivel on too long and bore you with a lengthy spiel; there are only three things to note really.
First, we don't have a specific genre allegiance. We have accidentally slipped into a kind of indie/folk/pop/alt sphere, purely by virtue of tastes among our current team, but we are open to anyone that you want to write about. Second, our original (and current) focus is on new bands; we like the idea of giving a little bit of exposure to great music that people may not have encountered before. Third, it doesn't matter where you live or what you do or if you've had work published before, we just want people who genuinely give a shit about music and who can at least string a sentence together.
Man, I feel bad for trawling so blatantly on another music review site's boards, but we're not really competing with DiS. How could we, have you seen the fuckin' size of this place?
So yeah, if you're interested, why not drop me a line? Send me a note on here or email to marcus [at] stereokill [dot] net. No spam plz.
Cheers, and I hope to hear from you!
PS. Sorry DiS; please look on this as mild exploitation rather than outright theft!