Golden Ghost / George Thomas / Rob St John in Oxford 15/02/10
Hello everyone. Have just moved to Oxford and am putting on my first DIY show here. We first saw Golden Ghost a the Fence Records Homegame festival, and we're very glad to be putting them on, it should be a great show. If anyone fancies it, we'd be pleased to see you (lets see how Oxford and DIY music go together..!) So....
On 15th Feb at 8pm at Baby Simple, Cowley Rd, Oxford:
ROB ST JOHN ( ... 124&ref=nf
GOLDEN GHOST is Laura Goetz from upstate New York and Brendon "Viking Moses" Massei. Goetz' music is addictive, yet surprisingly dissimilar to typical "pop" songs. Rhapsodic in structure, her music often has dramatic stress and meter fluctuations, unpredictable key changes, and tantalizing discord. Goetz fuses catchy melodies, which can reoccur from song to song, delivered with technically complex electric guitar playing. Her sophomore album, "THE UNIMAGINATIVE BODY" (to be released October 2009 - Epiphysis Records) was produced by Brendon Massei (Viking Moses) and features accompaniments by John McCauley III and Chris Ryan (of Deer Tick), Kyla Cech (Annikki Dawn), Brendan Glasson (Vio/Mire), and David Garland (Family Vineyard Records and host of WNYC's Spinning On Air.)
“Heart-wrenching songs, a self effacing maverick” The Guardian
“He's actually a genius” Plan B
"Eerie and gorgeous songs of deep breath and small miracle" Foxy Digitalis
"The hushed reverence of Rob St John is a sound to behold. The Edinburgh based troubadour’s cerebral tones and stupefying sense of atmosphere is always breathtaking, and at best the purpose of adjoining strum and voice as one. Tingling neck-hairs with his slow-handed brilliance, St John’s knack for a tune is similar to local luminary James Yorkston, but there’s enough autumnal despair in his finger-plucked trinkets to suggest Messrs Drake and Buckley have had a hand in developing his wispy, evocative laments. Either way, Rob St John’s a remarkable, uncut diamond soon to be dug up." - The Skinny