10th Oct in Manchester: Cats and Cats and Cats + Maybeshewill + Deaf to Van Gogh's Ear
Legs, LEGS, whose legs? band night launch party.
Taking to the tremendous stage at Nexus Art Café on Saturday the 10th of October to kick-off proceedings will be the superb Cats and Cats and Cats, the magnificent Maybeshewill, and the tumultuous Deaf to Van Gogh's Ear.
Cats and Cats and Cats + Maybeshewill are touring partners throughout October and are kindly going to grace our launch night as their Manchester date.
Doors will be opening at 8 o'clock, first band (DTVGE) will commence promptly at half past 8. Tickets for admission will be available on the door for £5.
Come down to enjoy some great bands, and the start of something new.