ASTRAL SOCIAL CLUB nottingham gig + news
i don't do many gigs these days, but here's one coming up in my old stomping ground, nottingham:
Astral Social Club
Mark Durgan
+ 1 other
Chameleon Arts Cafe, Angel Row, Nottingham
Saturday 21 February 2009, 8pm,
admission: £5/£4
on this occasion, ASC will bea trio of myself, john clyde-evans + paul "nonnen" walsh
other ASC news:
out now on dancing wayang records is the "plug music ramoon" LP
(i have some copies of this one for sale - see below)
out next week on vhf records is the "octuplex" CD
(review + samples =
out "soon":
split c50 w/ wounded knee out soon on sick head tapes
"lunar caustic clan" LP on freedom to spend
"psychic smog 1-7" LP on qbico
stuff for sale (postage included for Uk - let me know if yr outside uk + i'll work it out):
astral social club "plug music ramoon" LP (dancing wayang) = £8
astral social club #s 8-16 mp3 CDR (256kbps) = £6
astral social club #s 1-7 mp3 CDR (256kbps) = £6
astral social club "neon pibroch" CD = £7
astral social club "monster mittens" 7" (dirty knobby) = £4
neil campbell "SOL POWR" CD (music mundane) = £7