low key Ed Harcourt gig tonight
Ed Harcourt is playing Power Down tonight in Holloway, very low key, intimate setting, and bloody cheap! Lots of other great acts too, see below for more information:
Power Down is an irregular night of eclectic musical entertainment that aims to promote sustainability through subtle means. The performers are completely unamplified and the audience is silent out of necessity. The lighting is provided by donated candles and a type of candle that we make ourselves using recycled vegetable oil from the local fish and chip shop. Food and beverages are served which are either organic or locally produced.
The forthcoming Power Down will be the 6th one so far and promises to be a formidable marinade of talent.
Chancery Blame and the Gadjo Club - A potent cocktail of gypsy sounds from the old country with a dash of rock n roll
Top Shelf Jazz - Naughty vintage jazz with a tap dancer for percussion designed to make you blush
Zoot - A one man show that will make a flute from a couple of twigs he found on the way to the show, and improvise to oblivion
The Langley Sisters - An old fashioned girl group singing tales of heartbreak with Ed Harcourt on piano
Marmaduke Dando - Morose ballads with the odd frisky jig. Also the host for the night
Held in the old church hall in the Islington Arts Factory, 2 Parkhurst Road, London, N7 0SF. Entrance is £6, and music starts at 8pm. If you have to drive to get there, don't come!