TONIGHT: Sunnyvale, YouMeTheSwitch, Ripping Yarns, Pocus Whiteface
We're putting a gig on tonight at The Miller.
Us ( playing with:
Sunnyvale Noise Sub-Element:
Ripping Yarns:
Sunnyvale Noise Sub-Element will be playing to support their latest release and you can buy their album right now from Field Records - it's great - but tonight you'll be able to get hold of the limited edition release of their remix album. Their stuff is kind of Aphex-y but with loud live guitar and bass and more of a driving edge.
You Me The Switch are an amazing melodic instrumental band. A bit post-rock but no quiet-loud-quiet-LOUD clichés; a bit mathy but no complicated muso-ness... You'll like 'em, is what we're trying to say.
Ripping Yarns star Ian and Daniel, who are/have been in EYE HAI, Econoline, Model Village, Ellie Walker & the Group Hugs, Blackhorse, Hey Colossus and Jet Johnson. Wow. Anyway, expect some amazing two-piece rock with that sort of back catalogue!