Hear>You>Me zine
Hey up
Some of you may already know about this, but in April, I'm putting out my (been-talking-about-this-for-ages,-yes,-it's-really-happening-this-time) fanzine. For anyone whose interested, it's my first fanzine since Boyeater wound up in 2002.
Hear>You>Me is a fanzine from East London that hates the way the description 'a fanzine from East London' sounds. We're rubbish at spelling, punctuality, not hurting ourselves with scissors and glue - but know quite a lot about sharks and zombies and what's not. We're about Gallows, milkshake, kissing and digging up the bones of childhood pets. We're not about bombs, Maxim magazine or mushy peas.
Issue one is due April 6th and features interviews with The Futureheads, Josie Long, and Johnny Foreigner, as well as around four pages on sharks. Hit us up at if you'd like to know more about where you can buy a copy (or if you'd like to send us, like, bad poetry), but please join the myspace and be kept updated with our plans:
Hear>You>Me is a Boyeater product.
Do you believe in angels punka?
McMahon x