K.I.T. need driver for UK shows with deerhoof (23-28 june)
i am driving K.I.T. from san francisco around the UK at the moment.......
here is the scenario....
i am leaving them behind on the 22nd to start driving the Mika Miko/No Age tour, but they have since been added onto several gigs with deerhoof, between the 23rd and 28th june......
K.I.T. don't have to take equipment with them as they are sharing the deerhoof backline, so they're not neccessarily after a van - a medium sized car will do (there are four of them).
if anyone is interested in helping them out by driving them around (either if you have a car or if you could drive a hire car), obviously they will pay you some cash, probably throw you a few records as thanks, and you get to see them play (i've seen them twice so far, and they're really good, plus you'd see deerhoof too, y'know, they're pretty ok too!). they are pretty strapped for cash, but will happily pay you what they can!
if you think you can help out, please get in touch with me (domclare AT
oh, and without this trying to sound like a job description, it'd would be rather excellent if you aren't a drug addled drunkard, have the potential to be reliable behind the wheel, not a total douchebag, but...... desperate times, etc!!!!
sweet........ thanks.....