Radar-JohnnyBoy + Sportsday Megaphone (Nottingham)
Fourth night of Radar and we've got the best line-up of bands yet..
Sportsday Megaphone is one man and his casio keyboard, guitar, drum machine (and a lot more probably.) Imagine a more poppy Crystal Castles or a more vocal Metronomy. With lazer sounds..
Basically he's great, he's playing at all the best nights in Laaahdaan right now. check out his stuff here:
Johnny Boy released probably the best single of 2004/2005 (called You are the generation that bought more shoes and get what you deserve..) Then they seemingly disappeared. (In fact they went to tour Japan and Australia..)
Thankfully for us they're back playing in the UK and we're very glad to have them at Radar!
listen to them here:
+ all the usual Radar fun upstairs with regular DJ's Aoife3000 and JoelDestroy..
This is totally not a night to miss!
Only a £1 entry before 11pm
Make sure you get to Stealth for Sportsday (should be on about 10.30pm..)
Joel x