The Good Ship Saturday spectacular...4 bands and DJs til 4am.
Saturday night at The Good Ship... 3 and a half hours of new bands and then 4 and a half hours of DJing until 4am You are not gonna get a night with more variety, a friendlier crowd or as much fun as this anywhere in London this night. Plus it is a ridiculously cheap £5 (or £4 with print out of this) to get in.
Live Bands...
The Vigours
Appropriately named band, eschewing the 80s with their frantic, ambitious noise. They turn it on (or off) for the delicate moments too.
'Freshly skinned and rolled in hot sand, jerking about with chaotic caterwauling, as soon as I think I've grasped what's so good about Turbowölf, they knock it out of my hands and start shagging it sideways'
The Fuss
Upfront and gritty slices of life in London’s streets and bars, suburban homes, supermarket aisles, strip clubs and TV screens.
Heaven's Heathens
A mix of rock, folk and blues, brimming with melody and the high notes.
Judy and Maurice play a smorgasbord of sounds from the latest in indie, electro and beats through Motown and soul classics, disco, ska, funk, punk and rocknroll. Til 4am!
The Good Ship 289 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR
07949 008253
30 seconds from The Luminaire
1 minute from Brondesbury train station
4 minutes from Kilburn tube station