Dirty Sci-Fi + Knives + Twat Trot Tra la
Thursday 14th December
Big Hair Presents @ The Cellar, Oxford
Dirty Sci-Fi
A hypnotic journey of intoxicating guitars, soaring synths, strong, dramatic & sometimes mantric vocals, melodic, driving bass lines and powerful, often dark, tribal drumming.
'The Knives half of this split if perhaps some of the finest music I have ever heard. The trio of good looking young men play un adulterated free jazz combined with a rockabilly groove that makes even the most fool hardy music listener just have to play with themselves. The only problem with this band is they are TOO good and because of their mind boggling intensity and their technical wizardry, surely knives will have to explode in a massive sexual smelling mess.'
Twat Trot Tra La
"Sounds like a house party with Slint starting a fight with the Black Keys, while Robert Johnson and Lee Ranaldo argue over the shrooms
+ DJ’s playing indie, rock, 80’s, pop and stff
John Smiths and Fosters £1.50 an pint all night
Doors open at 8:30pm-3am
Bands Start at 9pm