Jack Lewis, Noah and the Whale, Felix, Chris Maher, tue 14th nov Notts!
VanishingVillages (with help from Good Name for a Racehorse.) Presents...
Jack Lewis and the Cut-Offs
Fuzzed-up anti folk from Jack (Jeffrey's brother and part of his touring band.)
Think Silver Jew's, Jonathan Richman, Sebadoh, Herman Dune, Unicorns...
Noah and the Whale
Emmy the Great's Ukelele player, lovely mostly ukelele-led folky songs along the lines of Jens Lekman, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Dylan etc..
Lovely piano-led songs with great lyrics, accompanied by one or two Lords and Marianna on flute.
Chris Maher
Anti-folk type, Elliott Smith/Devendra banhart used to play bass in DFA produced hip hip outfit Automato.
Cake Stall
Mix-tape swap stall
Zine/Comic stall (feat fingerpuppets..)
Bunkers Hill
Tuesday 14th November
£4/£3.50 HighSoc
(Early Show 7-10.30pm!)
Please attend! All Stalls helmed by beautiful people