Spiral Scratch Presents: The Bobby McGee's + Horowitz + The Cut Outs, 7th November 2006
Spiral Scratch Presents: The Bobby McGee's + Horowitz + The Cut Outs
Tuesday 7th November 2006
Upstairs at The Enterprise, 6 Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8AA. Tel: 0207 485 2659
Doors 8pm
The Bobby McGee's
The Bobby McGee's are Brighton's finest purveyors of twee anti-folk, clown make-up and ukuleles. They write short songs about having no friends, throat slashing and eye gouging. With a 7" single already available on Cherryade records along with features in the NME and Plan B magazines don't miss this chance to catch them in intimate surroundings
Horotwitz are an indiepop band from Stoke on Trent featuring ex Rosehips amongst the line up. They quote their influences as DIY, Twee, Haribo anything fun and Pavement.
This will be their debut London show and they are a must see for indiepop kids everywhere.
The Cut Out's
The Cut-Outs feature members of Airport Girl and The Fat Tulips and play garage rock for pop kids with short, daft guitar solos and an unerring ear for a tune (often their own!). And with a member of London's all-girl 60s dance troupe The Actionettes on drums, there's always at least one band member on the beat.