The Dismemberment Plan
The Dismemberment Plan was a Washington D.C. based indie rock band formed on January 1, 1993. Also known as D-Plan or The Plan, the name comes from a stray phrase uttered by insurance salesman Ned Ryerson in the popular comedy Groundhog Day. The band members included Eric Axelson (bass), Jason Caddell (guitar), Joe Easley (drums) and Travis Morrison (vocals and guitar). Axelson, Caddell, Morrison and original drummer Steve Cummings formed the band while attending various Northern Virginia high schools (Axelson, Cummings, and Morrison attended Lake Braddock Secondary School together in Burke, Virginia). Cummings left the band after the recording of the Plan's debut album ! and was replaced by Easley, who had attended Woodson High School. That cemented the band's lineup for the rest of its existence.