Capdown's Ska-tastrophe!
Capdown have been forced to postpone their current UK tour. Just as soon as we had heard that DiS faves Reuben were to join the mayhem, Milton Keynes ska-core merchants Capdown have had to postpone their current UK t»
schown has written the following articles:
And so post-hardcore-screamo-math-rock noiseniks Funeral For A Friend come stomping back into the public eye with their latest balls-out-rawk EP. And it's rather good. Yes, when the world was fearful that we may get lumped with a bunch of British teary-eyed emo-types, the Welsh quintet showed us their stu»
Capdown have been forced to postpone their current UK tour. Just as soon as we had heard that DiS faves Reuben were to join the mayhem, Milton Keynes ska-core merchants Capdown have had to postpone their current UK t»
Hardcore/punk rag Big Cheese? has announced a 6 night music extravaganza in London.
The 'Bring The Noise' ska/punk/metal/hardcore mini-festival will be exploding all over London in various venues, beginning on April 5th. Featured band»
If all was right with the world, Sucioperro would not be merely known as Biffy Clyro's Ayrshire neighbours. True, Sucio are also masters of the quiet/loud brand of rock, not to mention beautiful three way harmonies and achingly raw guitar lines, but they are not mere Clyro copyists - they are leagues ahe»
The last time I saw Jerry-Built was at the Fighting Cocks pub in Kingston, at their Christmas bash. They were incredibly drunk. And then attempted to play. And were actually very good. Where they going to be sober when I hooked up with them in Glasgow? Strangely they were, but after one pint they were talking about jo»
Nottingham's Cape Canaveral make emotional rock music. Be warned, young, bespectacled, backpack wearing one - this is NOT emo. Well, not the bastardised American version of what we have come to know it as, anyway. "Driving At Night", which follows on from their »
Dundee emo/screamo mercenaries Mercury Tilt Switch give us another slab of crunching guitar riffola from their debut 'Brundle Kid' LP. Their name suggests all you need to know - something dynamic; electrifying; panoramic. A ramshackle post-hardcore rummage through the nostalgia that the 'new rock revol»
Maybe its something to do with the cold Glasgow air, or maybe the magic number of today’s date, but tonight, thisGIRL are just the right band; the only band anyone should want to see tonight. Hey, at least I can say I spent the evening being entertained by the band that invited the whole aud»