Last Post
BNP Youth
by Verbal
, 13 May 12:34
19 replies |
13 May 21:39
by guntrip
A while ago on Pointless
by Antpocalypsenow
, 13 May 16:55
10 replies |
13 May 21:30
by the_bread_museum
sunburn - wot the fuk m8 edition
by Mehodor
, 13 May 14:12
33 replies |
13 May 20:14
by Songs_about_ducking
blood infections
by zahidf
, 13 May 18:58
2 replies |
13 May 19:30
by georgiabeth
got given someone else's sicknote
by Silkyskillz11
, 13 May 16:07
4 replies |
13 May 18:25
by pip_
If you could pick one food to be 0 calories for the rest of
your life
by CrispinAlexander
, 13 May 17:31
24 replies |
13 May 18:18
by japes
good quiz questions
by aggressively_passive
, 13 May 15:00
43 replies |
13 May 17:54
by Wooly31
Nigel Farage described as a Hitler loving fascist in teacher
letter from 1981
by moker
, 13 May 11:54
197 replies |
13 May 17:47
by guntrip
Frank the film
by Smee
, 13 May 12:29
10 replies |
13 May 16:58
by Smee
what do you do with your spare time?
by LostMoyes
, 12 May 16:55
75 replies |
13 May 16:53
by nebbie
Someone just told me I was doing my job better than anyone
else they've ever seen.
by Robeson
, 11 May 20:41
79 replies |
13 May 16:28
by Silkyskillz11
look what posh people have done to east london now
by fluffybum
, 12 May 16:50
42 replies |
13 May 16:13
by alcxxk
does motherhood make a woman complete
by fluffybum
, 13 May 13:57
11 replies |
13 May 16:00
by marilyninthesky
dumb stuff you have done recently
by richardpjlambert
, 13 May 14:44
12 replies |
13 May 15:44
by richardpjlambert
Would peanut butter go well
by moousee
, 12 May 22:32
25 replies |
13 May 15:34
by umlaut_ampersand
is there anything wrong with living with your folks as an
by fluffybum
, 13 May 11:28
19 replies |
13 May 15:32
by Ichor
London, kids, oyster cards
by Slicky
, 13 May 10:57
31 replies |
13 May 15:10
by plasticniki
not sure about Limmy's new direction
by Gorkys_Forever
, 13 May 11:50
30 replies |
13 May 14:50
by Gorkys_Forever
It's Tuesday, eh?
by ethricdouble
, 13 May 09:01
78 replies |
13 May 14:43
by marilyninthesky
What percentage of your grunts stink?
by Balonz
, 13 May 14:29
12 replies |
13 May 14:39
by Noblet
OMG! or "The Solange beating up Jay-Z in a lift
by Antpocalypsenow
, 12 May 17:32
54 replies |
13 May 14:14
by ethricdouble
Support for Labour drops six points as Tories take lead in
latest poll
by GayGuevara
, 13 May 10:26
39 replies |
13 May 14:07
by marckee
by fluffybum
, 13 May 11:35
19 replies |
13 May 13:53
by the_ravens
NERDS: H.R. Giger has died :(
by TheoGB
, 13 May 09:33
5 replies |
13 May 13:45
by hanshotfirst
just bought a foam roller for £14
by barleysugar
, 13 May 13:07
17 replies |
13 May 13:34
by japes
The English Democrats
by gamecat
, 12 May 18:57
35 replies |
13 May 13:03
by inside-outside
do you par-boil your potatoes before roasting?
by Silkyskillz11
, 13 May 10:28
49 replies |
13 May 12:55
by Chip_Batch
how thoroughly do you wash fruit/vegetables before you eat
them (raw)?
by no-class
, 13 May 06:51
21 replies |
13 May 10:51
by Smee
Thread for documenting shameless World Cup cash in adverts
by The_Excession
, 12 May 23:19
3 replies |
13 May 10:49
by in_limbo
by jazz-ballet
, 09 May 13:21
66 replies |
13 May 10:22
by umlaut_ampersand
Joanna Gruesome vs DiS
by sean
, 12 May 15:31
125 replies |
13 May 09:59
by colinzealuk
uoʎ ʞɔuɟ
by georgiabeth
, 12 May 23:03
31 replies |
13 May 09:50
by sean
H.G Giger - dead
by Noblet
, 13 May 09:41
3 replies |
13 May 09:44
by badmanreturns
Would you want your friends to fancy your partner?
by fluffybum
, 12 May 16:46
15 replies |
13 May 09:36
by slavestate
Do people get more anti-social as they get older
by Starstripe
, 13 May 08:24
9 replies |
13 May 09:23
by RFWare
The headline 'Richard and Judy agree suicide pact'
on the bbc 'most read' bit
by Verbal
, 12 May 15:19
10 replies |
13 May 09:06
by TheoGB
most inappropriate name for a reporter ever?
by aggressively_passive
, 12 May 21:30
10 replies |
13 May 08:03
by aggressively_passive
DiS tshirts
by georgiabeth
, 12 May 10:33
44 replies |
13 May 05:56
by Antelope
I have a foot.
by bouldragus
, 25 Mar 05:12
21 replies |
13 May 02:21
by robluvsnic
The Male Topknot
by fidel_catstro
, 12 May 14:00
47 replies |
13 May 02:11
by TheWza