The German Exchange
The name represents the bland, passionless side in all of us; the dull, two-dimensional characters presented in foreign language textbooks, separated from the class by a language they have no desire to understand.
These are aspects to our character that should be resisted by us and everyone else.
Band members names - role in band:
dan barrett - guitar/vocals
ben beare - bass
alex norman - drums
ramon - guitar
benjamin reynolds - vocals/guitar/keyboards
Brief band history:
Met in church at a ceremony where they vowed to be celibate ascetic,
questioning modern conventions and lifestyles. they have spent the last year
spreading a diluted version of their gospel across London with their musical
performances. they are currently considering leading a hermetic existence to
further focus on the needs of a nation on the brink.
Roxy Music, Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Television, The Smiths, Iggy Pop, David Beckham.
the german exchange
278 tower gardens road
N17 7QE