Michael Dracula
Glasgow-based ensemble centred around the songwriting talents of Emily MacLaren.
Bio: Tainted by Cross-pollination
1976 - Born in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, whilst avant-noise group Pere Ubu record The Modern Dance in an adjacent neighbourhood and father plays autoharp in unknown Bluegrass trio, The Peat-Bog Pickers 1996-After 1 week rehearsing in basement of dilapidated Victorian mansion, play first gig as guitarist for the hastily-named Joy Divison-covers-surf-group, the Raw Nerves.
2000 - Record first single as guitarist for boogie-woogie garage rock quartet, The Cut-Throats, in abandoned warehouse behind Lennyës Ribhouse in Providence, Rhode Island.
“A New Wave Hollywood, Where everybody’s good, but not great”
2002 - Form Michael Dracula in the bedroom with 4-track, guitar, and drum machine in winter of discontent. Accompanied by dearly-deported Aussie Playboy, Ryan Purcell, on keyboards, play first gig at Optimo, Espacio in Glasgow and then conduct tour of dodgy IRA pubs in Ireland, supporting heavy-metal covers act, Fisted Sister.
Black Tights/White Noise
2003 - Joined by Ben Whittle on drums, Laura Donnaghey on bass, and Leyre Mann-Vadillo on keyboards, Michael Dracula are dubbed “overrated underachievers” in a favourable review. After 3 aborted/underwhelming recording sessions, record the first listenable demos on the floor of Ben Waller’s (of The Country Teasers) living room in Walthamstow, London.
2004 - With Andrew Brown on drums, tour the United Kingdom via Megabus, treating patrons at Leeds Nastyfest to a miasma of flyspray, nearly electrocuting themselves onstage at Manchester’s In The City, and are barred from their own gig (for the third time) after dousing the audience in vodka and Irn Bru at a gig at Glasgow’s Barfly. The band splits.
Exile Sur La Grande Rue
2005 - Team up with Michel Bassignani to begin recording demos for the first album, In The Red, in bat-infested villa on grande rue, Sauve, in the south of France.
Bitches on the Broo
2006 - Play two gigs backed by Glasgow band, The Rotations, then return to France to complete recordings of In the Red.
2007 - Joined by Martin Brennan on guitar, Matthew Black on drums, and James Steinson on bass, play gigs around the UK and prepare for recording of second album, The Last Lost Weekend.
2008 - Along with Sam Smith (Mother and the Addicts), Jamie Greer (Park Attack), and former and current members of Michael Dracula (Martin Brennan, Leyre Mann, Andy Brown), opens The Green Door Studio, an analogue recording studio in Glasgow.