Face For Radio (UK)
Over the following weeks ideas are thrown around as a bass player is sort, bare structures are written and a few songs are losely compiled. It's not long before an old friend of Steve and Alex is added to the line. With previous "Defunkt" bass man Ian Jones now recruted FFR don the name "SpyplaneTheory" and begin to search for a front man.
Several months pass and many songs are written (Alex filling in with loose vocal parts). As things begin to look ominous another chance meeting secures Al as the missing link in a relatively short yet interesting chain... FFR is complete. The name change soon follows "FaceForRadio" just seemed to hit home, so it stuck. Seven months later FFR are a true force and begin the journey.
As for the music of FFR: It is as beautiful as it is aggressive, as technical as it is simplistic and very difficult to pigeon hole... so we won't, if it is a cliched explanation of style that you require to understand FFR's music then it is suggested that you listen harder.
Bands we endorse: Qucksand, At The Drive-In, Thursday, Snapcase, Fireside, Refused, Glassjaw, Cave-In, Kissing Chaos and many, many, many more.