Danny Connors & The Butchers Gate
Danny Connor is 23 years old. He was brought up between Wales and Northampton, but for Danny's spiritual conception you have to travel to more northerly climes. A productive and fortuitous meeting with some lads in the Balearic isles found him relocating to Liverpool with The La's as his musical wake up call - the last band who made him "sit up and think Jesus Christ!". Just like Lee Mathers, Danny is a perfectionist who simply has to channel his energies through the creation of song.
For Danny's musical roots, however, you have to trace all the way back to the Deep South, via Hendrix, Love and The Doors. And although Danny had a period where he consumed himself within drum'n'bass, now he chooses to identify more with Howlin' Wolf and Blues Grandaddy Robert Johnson. Danny obsesses over the concentrated intensity of their genre, preferring to infuse every single note with life's passion rather than let it hang limp in the air: "Like everyone's gonna get shot if they don't play every last beat correctly".