Circus of Death
Press -
"...their Bauhaus disco nouveau gems are already near-irresistible and cut from a different cloth" - Venue Magazine
"Circus of Death are a bastardised amalgamation of early Depeche Mode darkness and Public Image sneering. Couple this with a glamorous intensity all their own and, to these ears, you have one of the best unsigned bands in the country" - Tough Love Records
"A fine band. Takes some balls to support a legend but they pulled it off" - a Fall Fan
" kilter hooks Wire would have been proud of" - Choke fanzine live review
"Harking back to Depeche Mode...something very different and with a style that stands out amongst today's music" -
"Combining the raw intensity of the Stooges and the musical craftsmanship of the Talking Heads" - Exepose